Thursday, December 18, 2014

End of Semester 1 Information

Here are a few reminders about the end of Semester 1.

1.  I will have semester tests graded by the end of the day today (Thursday, Dec 18th). 
2.  I am no longer accepting makeup work or extra credit.
3.  I hope to have grades finalized on powerschool by the end of the day today.
4.  I will double-check semester grades and send them to your schools tomorrow (Friday, Dec 19th)
5.  Classes will meet through Tuesday, Dec 23rd.  However, if you are not in class due to final testing or Christmas break, there will be no makeup work.
6.  Class will resume after Christmas break on Monday, January 5th.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Makeup work for Wednesday, Dec 17

Missed class today?  We took our semester test today.  Please make up that test ASAP when you return to class.  Also, all makeup work, extra credit, and missing homework assignments were due this morning.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Makeup work for Tuesday, December 16th

Missed class today?  We finished our review for TOMORROW'S SEMESTER TEST.  Check the "review and practice" tab for a set of flashcards and test study tips.

REMINDER:  All makeup work, extra credit, and missing assignments are due WEDNESDAY MORNING at 8:30 am.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Makeup work for Monday, Dec 15th

Missed class today?  We began our review for the semester test.  Here is some info about what is due this week:

1.  Homework Assignment #6 is due Tuesday, Dec 16 at 8:30 am
3.  Any makeup work, redone assignments, or semester extra credit is due by 8:30 am on Wednesday, Dec 17th.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Makeup work for Friday, Dec 12

Missed class today?  We finished reading Casi Se Muere today.  Please finish reading (you need Chapter 8) and remember that your Homework Assignment #6 is about the book.  That assignment is due next Tuesday.  Also, a reminder that your semester test is Wednesday, Dec 17.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Makeup work for Friday, Dec 5th

Missed class today?  We took our test on the 2nd half of Chapter 8.  Please make up your test ASAP when you return to school.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Makeup work for Wednesday, December 3rd

Missed class today?  We reviewed yesterday's lesson, but also completed a timed writing.  Please complete your paragraph and email it to Mrs. Neumiller ASAP.  Here are the requirements:

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Makeup work/Notes for Wednesday, Nov 26th

Missed class today?  Here are the notes that you missed:  Also, complete Activity 28 on pg 290 of the book for practice.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Makeup work for Tuesday, Nov 25th

Missed class today?  We reviewed yesterday's lesson on preterite -ar verbs.  For practice, complete Activities 24-25 on pgs 288-289 of your book.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Makeup work/Notes for Monday, Nov 24th

Missed class today?  Here are the notes that you missed.

REMINDER:  Homework Assignment #4 has been posted and is due Wednesday, Nov 26th.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Makeup work for Thursday, Nov 20th

Missed class today?  Complete pg 91 of your worksheet packet for review.  Also, here are the notes that you missed:

Monday, November 17, 2014

Makeup work for Monday,Nov 17th

Missed class today?  We reviewed for TOMORROW'S TEST ON THE 1ST HALF OF CHAPTER 8.  See the "Review and Practice" tab for the study guide and other review materials.  Also, Homework Assignment #3 is due tomorrow morning!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Makeup work for Thursday, Nov 13th

Missed class today?  No new notes, but we reviewed yesterday's lesson with Activities 16-17 on pg 281 of the book.

REMINDERS:  What Not to Wear fashion show project is tomorrow.  Chapter 8 Quiz will be next week Tuesday.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Makeup work/Notes for Wednesday, Nov 12rh

Missed class today?  Here are the notes that you missed:

Also, we introduced a fashion show project due on Friday.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Makeup work for Friday, Nov 7th

Missed class today?  No new notes, but pick up a review worksheet from me when you return to class.

Reminders About Next Week
Monday---If you have school on Monday, we will be meeting.  Please bring other work or a book, but we will also watch a video.
Tuesday---NO SCHOOL FOR VETERAN'S DAY.  No Homework assignment due.
Wednesday----We will continue in our current chapter.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Makeup work for Thursday, Nov 6th

Missed class today?  No new notes, but please complete Activities 8 and 12 in your worksheet packet for review.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Makeup work/Notes for Tuesday, November 4th

Missed class today?  Here are the notes that you missed.  Use them to continue page 5 of your notes packet.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Makeup work for Monday, November 3rd

Missed class today?  Here's what we did:

1.  Present calaveras skeleton from Friday.
2.  Complete Activity 9 in your worksheet packet to review numbers.
3.  Remember that Homework #2 is due tomorrow morning.

Friday, October 31, 2014

Makeup work for Friday, October 31st

Missed class today?  No makeup work, but your new homework assignment has been posted and is due next Tuesday.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Makeup work/Notes for Tuesday, October 28th

Missed class today? Here are the notes that you missed (first slide isn't in your notes packet).  Also, complete Activities 2-3 on pg 274 of your book for practice.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Makeup work for Thursday, Oct 23rd

Missed class today?  We reviewed for tomorrow's test on the 2nd half of Chapter 7.  See the "Review and Practice" tab of this website for a study guide and online review games.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Makeup work/Notes for Tuesday, Oct 21

Missed class today?  We went through the last lesson of the chapter today.  Here are the notes that you missed.  We will have a TEST ON FRIDAY on the 2nd half of Chapter 7 and Argentina.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Makeup work for Tuesday, October 14th

Missed class today?  No new notes, but we did review previous vocabulary.  Please complete Activities 27-28 on pg 251 of the book for review.

REMINDERS:  Homework Assignment #7 was due this morning.  Also, Quarter 1 ends tomorrow.  This means that all makeup work and extra credit is due by 3:15 on Wednesday afternoon.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Makeup work/Notes for Monday, October 13

Missed class today?  We continued with our notes.  Here is what you missed.  Also, remember that your homework assignment #7 is due tomorrow morning!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9TH---Mrs. Neumiller gone

Mrs. Neumiller is out sick today.  Your site facilitator should give you a handout for class.  Here is a copy of that handout in case you didn't receive it.  We will go through it tomorrow during class.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Makeup work/Notes for Wednesday, October 8th

Missed class today?  We finished up our vocabulary notes, and completed Activities 17, 25 in the worksheet packet.  Here are the notes:

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Makeup work/Notes for Tuesday, October 7th

Missed class today?  Here are the notes you missed.  Also, homework assignment #6 was due this morning, so please complete that ASAP.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Makeup work/Notes for Monday, October 6th

Missed class today?  We started the 2nd half of Chapter 7 today.  Here are the notes that you missed.  Also, remember that you have a homework assignment due tomorrow!

Friday, October 3, 2014

Makeup work for Friday, October 3rd

Missed class today?  We took our quiz on the 1st half of Chapter 7 today.  Please take that quiz ASAP outside of class when you return to school.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Makeup work for Thursday, October 2nd

Missed class today?   We reviewed for TOMORROW'S TEST ON THE FIRST HALF OF CHAPTER 7.  See the "review and practice" tab for a study guide and other review materials.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Makeup work/notes for Friday, September 26th

Missed class today?  We continued our notes about Argentina.  Here is what you missed.  Also, we completed a timed writing today.  You need to complete this timed writing as well.  Email or fax it to Mrs. Neumiller by class time on Tuesday.

Write a ten-sentence paragraph describing your morning routine.  What do you do?  What items do you need for your morning routine?  Remember that many of these verbs will be reflexive.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Makeup work/notes for Thursday, September 25th

Missed class today?  We continued talking about reflexive verbs.  Here are the notes that you missed.  Use them to continue in your notes packet.  Also, complete Activity 11 on pg 240 of your textbook.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Makeup work for Wednesday, September 24th

Missed class today?  No new notes.  We reviewed yesterday's lesson on reflexive infinitive verbs.  Please complete page 75 in your worksheet packet for practice.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Makeup work for Monday, September 22nd

Missed class today?  We reviewed our lesson about reflexive verbs.  Please complete Activities 1 and 8 in the textbook (pgs 236, 239) for review.

REMINDER:  Homework Assignment #4 is due tomorrow morning.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Makeup work for Tuesday, September 16th

Missed class today?  We started Chapter 7 today.  Here are the notes that you missed.  Use them to complete the first page of your worksheet packet.

REMINDERS:  New set of flashcards due Thursday morning.  Crossword puzzle (from end of review packet) due tomorrow morning if you were absent yesterday.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Makeup work for Monday, September 15th

Missed class today?  We finished the project presentations and also completed the crossword puzzle assignment at the end of your review packet.  Please create a crossword puzzle using the directions at the bottom of the page.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Makeup work for Wednesday, September 10th

Missed class today?  We finished our review of Chapters 5-6 today.  Please complete pages 5-6 in your review packet.  Tomorrow will be a work day on your review projects, which will be presented Friday.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Makeup work for Tuesday, September 9th

Missed class today?  We reviewed Chapter 6 today.  No new notes, but remember that your Homework Assignment #3 was due this morning.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Makeup work for Monday, September 8th

Missed class today?  We began reviewing Chapter 5.  No new notes, but remember that your Homework Assignment #3 is due tomorrow morning.


Instead of a test, we will be completing a Review Project to help review Spanish 1 material.  Here is the template for that project.  Either make a copy in Google Drive of the template and share your final project with me, or download a copy of the template and create a powerpoint presentation that you email to me.  THIS PROJECT IS DUE FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12TH.

HERE IS THE GRADING RHUBRIC FOR THE PROJECT.  This project is worth 40 points!

Friday, September 5, 2014

Makeup work for Friday, September 5th

Missed class today?  We finished our review of Chapter 4.  Please complete your Chapter 4 review worksheet.

Reminders:  Homework Assignment #3 has been posted and is due Tuesday, September 9th.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Makeup work for Friday, August 29th

Missed class today?  We finished review Chapter 2 today.  Please complete page 2 of your review packet, which are 20 questions from Chapter 2.

Reminders:  No class on Monday for Labor Day.  Also, your next homework assignment (Assignment #2) has been posted and is due Wednesday, September 3rd.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Makeup work for Thursday, August 28th

Missed class today?  We began reviewing Chapter 2 today, but there is no makeup work.  Remember that Your online survey and preguntas personales worksheet are both due tomorrow!!